Publicatii Imprimare


CEAI - Control Engineering and Applied Informatics journal is published every three months.
The material submitted for publication must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. The selection criteria include originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results. It should clearly indicate the relationship of the work described to the most relevant previous work. Images should be of high quality.


  • Responsibility for the contents of the paper rests upon the authors and not upon SRAIT, the editors or the publisher. Therefore, it is important that the technical content of the manuscript be carefully considered by the author. It is also important that the author agrees not to publish the same manuscript in another Journal without obtaining the consent of the Editor in Chief of this Journal.
  • The original manuscript and diagrams will be discarded 1 month after publication unless the publisher is requested to return the original material to the author.
  • Materials will be not normally returned to the authors even if rejected, but will be treated confidentially.

Submission of papers. Contributions should include: (a) three good quality copies of the camera-ready papers to be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief; (b) a page containing the title of the paper, abstract, keywords, complete name (including Christian names), affiliation and address of authors, specification of the corresponding author; (c) a 3,5" floppy containing a RTF file with the camera-ready format of the paper and separate files for figures and pictures respectively.

Forms of contributions. Manuscripts in English with: (a) title - 10 words desired maximum length; (b) authors names and complete affiliation; (c) abstract - no longer than 200 words; (d) key-words - 3 to 5 keywords from the IFAC list; (d) introduction - to explain background work, nature and purpose of the paper; (e) body - to contain primary message with clear lines of thought and of mathematical expressions - formulae to be well spaced out, identifying all Greek letters and unusual symbols by name in the margin; (f) conclusion section - to indicate significant contribution with its limitations, advantages and possible applications; (g) references; (h) acknowledgements - when appropriate; recomandable even number of pages.

Camera-ready format:

  • Page setup: Paper size: A4, Margins - Top: 2 cm, Bottom: 2.5 cm, Left: 3 cm, Right: 2 cm, Gutter: 0, Header: 1.27 cm, Footer: 1.27 cm, Mirror margins selected; Layout - "Different odd and even pages" selected, "Different first page" selected;
  • Normal text: Font: Times New Roman, Regular, 11; 2 columns : 76 mm (3in) column width, with 8 mm (.3in) space between; Paragraph alignment: Justified; Indentation: Left 0 cm, Right 0 cm;
  • Spacing: Before: 0 pt, After: 6 pt; Line spacing: Single;
  • Title: Times New Roman, Bold, 14, all caps, centered; Spacing: 7 lines before;
  • Authors name: Times New Roman, Bold, 11, centered; Spacing: 1 line before;
  • Authors affiliation: Times New Roman, Italic, 11, centered; Spacing: 2 lines before;
  • Abstract & keywords: Times New Roman, Italic, 10, centered; Indentation: Left 1 cm, Right 1 cm; Spacing: 3 lines before;
  • Chapter titles & subtitles: Title: Times New Roman, Bold, 11, All Caps, Center; Paragraph spacing: After: 6 pt; Arabic numbering, Indent at 0.5 cm; 1 line after prevoius text; Subtitles: Times New Roman, Italic, 11, Justified; Paragraph spacing: After: 6 pt; Arabic numbering, Indent at 0.5 cm;
  • Figures and tables: large figures and tables (that cannot enter in a two-column format) will be placed at the top or at the bottom of respective pages, in one-column format, centered.

References, Examples:

[1] Nosrati, R., Fonteix, C., Recents progres en genie des procedees, Ed. Lavoisier, France, 5, p.275, 1991.
Price / Publication Information: individual copies: SRAIT members $2 (first copy only), nonmembers $3 per copy (postage and handling charges not included).

Drafting Example


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"Societatea Romana de Automatica si Informatica Tehnica" - SRAIT, University Politehnica Bucharest "Control and Computers Faculty, Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest 77206 , Romania.
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And our address:
 "Societatea Romana de Automatica si Informatica Tehnica" SRAIT, University Politehnica Bucharest "Control and Computers Faculty, Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest 77206 , Romania.
Tel/fax: ( 40 ) 21 4029587; E-mail: Această adresă de e-mail este protejată de spamboţi; aveţi nevoie de activarea JavaScript-ului pentru a o vizualiza .

  • Responsibility for the contents of the paper rests upon the authors and not upon SRAIT, the editors or the publisher. Therefore, it is important that the technical content of the manuscript be carefully considered by the author. It is also important that the author agrees not to publish the same manuscript in another Journal without obtaining the consent of the Editor in Chief of this Journal.
  • The original manuscript and diagrams will be discarded 1 month after publication unless the publisher is requested to return the original material to the author.
  • Materials will be not normally returned to the authors even if rejected, but will be treated confidentially.

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